Help your customers find you online.


If you're having a business and not taking advantage of utilizing internet communication, boy, you're missing out on a crucial opportunity! Start engaging your prospects and customers through the internet as it's the future of every business out there.

For starters, your clients can easily browse your site and find what they're looking for without physically coming to your store. It's not only convenient but shows your business is legitimate and trustworthy. In addition, your client's data captured on your website can help you serve your customers better.

While it's essential to consider the visual aspect of your website, remember it's also a pepped-up online information portal where you can make significant sales from your customers!

And what about incorporating a bio link from JoyQR to boost your business? Let's see how that goes.

1. Link your Social Media Channels:

How great is the idea of linking all your social accounts in one place? That's the significance of using JoyQR. It becomes easier for your visitors to follow you on all your platforms since they don't have to visit each of them to find you. For instance, when you're using JoyQR, your Instagram post can direct your audience to specific pages of your website. By setting up this connection between Instagram and website your visitors can easily find all the products or information they’re looking for while they scroll through your Instagram feed.
After you finish setting it up, you can create a simple call to action for your posts or Instagram stories for your audience to click a link in your bio and guide them along.


2. Link your other sites:

As if linking all your social media accounts is not enough, you can also connect your company's website. Does it get better than this? And in here, your customers can leave a review, your company's catalog, blog, menu, or anything with an URL link. And by using a Leap Link, you can directly send your visitors to a specific link. Since you might want to schedule this for some time, the link scheduling feature will help you do just that. Whether it's time sales, promotions, or announcements for an upcoming event, you can easily do that with this feature.

3. Link your Contact details and Location Map:

Do you know how you can lose a customer? If they try to contact you to no avail. But we eminently display your business contact buttons at the top of your page with JoyQR. That means your customers can reach you by text or email. Even if you have various locations, you can include them in the link section of your contact buttons. You’re also able to link to your store's location so with one click customers are mapped to your business.


4. Showcase your Videos:

Videos are an excellent and effective marketing tool in which customers understand the product or services better. Thanks to our embedded feature that you can use it to show products and your latest videos, like commercials, or demonstrate using how-to videos on your page. This gives your customers an entire understanding of your business.


5. Capture Email and SMS Sign-ups:

With our simple one field email/sms capture your visitors can quickly sign up. We also integrate with Mailchimp to ensure the emails are going directly to your list. In the email section, you can set up email blasts and any other potent automation. With the SMS sign-up, there is an option for your country code where your customers can choose depending on their location and sign up.


6. Drive Traffic to your Content:

Your bio link has so many awesome things you can utilize. For starters, you can use it to drive traffic to specific pages you want to promote. It could be your online shop, or you have a freebie you're offering. So, you use this to direct your customers where you want them to be. That means you can also fetch your followers from your social media and bring them to the pages you control. In essence, you can promote any of your pages with a bio link. Even as you wish to grow your followers on another platform, you can promote that account. However, you can still link your product page, service page, or online shop and make direct sales. And finally, you can also add a link or any useful resources to the contact page of your website.

7. Convert your followers into Customers:

When you realize that social media is an effective marketing tool, you'll learn to utilize it well. Create a great strategy to convert your followers into sales. And how can you do this? First, you need to look at your social posts as a way to entice your followers, encourage, and drive them to make a purchase. While you can also sell directly to your followers within Instagram, you may not meet the required criteria. In this case, you can bring your followers off the app and take them to your shop or services page. It'll be a better way to sell. Start a post on your Instagram and talk about your product or service. Then end it with a call-to-action: "click the link to learn more" or "go to the link in my bio and grab yours now." Another effective way you can use is to talk about your products or services in your Stories or Live videos. And always remember to direct your audience to your link in your bio so that they can purchase. That's how you convert sales.

8. Track with Analytics:

Some of the critical marketing elements include Analytics and tracking, which lets you know the performance of your business. For instance, you want to ensure that energy and money go into the right platforms with the time you're putting in. So, by using JoyQR Analytics, you can learn the amount of traffic you're getting from Instagram and other social media. And you can also track your Views and Clicks, which helps you decide the type of links outperforming and those falling behind. It's best to keep your most engaging links on the upper side of your JoyQR page and do away with the less popular ones. That means you can track your links and see how the changes affect your View counts. Then you can start making constructive decisions based on the performance of your links.


In Conclusion, driving traffic to your website is the holy grail of every business, and your Instagram bio link can be such a turning point. Furthermore, it doesn't take much of your time or budget. Neither does it take too much effort to optimize your linking strategy when you want to convert your Instagram followers into website visitors and customers. Anyone or business looking for a way to boost their sales needs to update the link in their bio. It's a quick win to increase your website views.

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Crafted in Los Angeles, California


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